About Us

NewsOnline Nigeria is Nigeria’s fastest growing trusted independent online newspaper covering Africa’s socio-economic issues, trades and investments; it provides informed perspectives on economic and political events in Nigeria and Africa at large.


Owned and Managed by Winner’s Media Concept, NewsOnline Nigeria publishes only news that is factual, credible, verifiable, authoritative, and investigative.


Universal Declaration of Human Rights


NewsOnline Nigeria is a  unique media organization that is founded in the spirit of Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, comprising ordinary people with an overriding commitment to seeking the truth and publishing it without fear or favor.

Our Mission and Vission

NewsOnline Nigeria primary objective is to provide accurate, unbiased news in Nigeria to ensure accuracy and accountability in the reportage of events in order to correct public misconceptions and increase knowledge of important national issues. We believe that the ethics of journalism rest on two pillars, integrity and credibility, and media credibility is built on accuracy and the integrity of the stories we report.


We are non-partisan at NewsOnline Nigeria, we decide independently which subjects we cover. We always aim to transmit the full story without any influence from financial or advertisers’ interests.


NewsOnline Nigeria is conscious of its reach and responsibility. Therefore, the news platform accepts and takes responsibility for any errors it might make and is committed to correcting them in a visible location.

Social Commitment

Our team at NewsOnline Nigeria is aware of our responsibility towards society and sets the highest social standards possible to assure the highest integrity. Enhancing a culture of respect, diversity, and gender equality, as well as safeguarding the health and dignity of our employees, customers, interviewees, and the public are fundamental principles of NewsOnline Nigeria.

Contact Us

For inquiries, please reach out to us at:

Office Address: 6th Ave, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos, Nigeria.

EMAIL: [email protected]

PHONE: (+234) 81-6184-6326 

Contacts via social media

Twitter: @newsonlinengweb | @newsonlinengceo

Facebook: Officialnewsonlineng

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LinkedIn: NewsOnline Profile

Wikipedia: NewsOnline (Newspaper)

YouTube: NewsOnline TV